aKDPhi Stands in Solidarity with the AAPI Community Against Violence

Over the past months we have seen a rise in anti-Asian racism and hate crimes in our communities. We recognize that many of our sisters and the greater Asian community are experiencing grief, discomfort, and anger at these events and at the continuing lack of coverage in the news.

On behalf of the International Leadership Board, we want to be clear that alpha Kappa Delta Phi condemns all acts of racism in our community and stands in solidarity with one another. We see you and are here for you. 

We are cognizant that even in a time of processing our own feelings, thoughts, and trauma; we are still expected to think of others first under the narrative of the ‘model minority myth.’ We encourage everyone to center your needs and share with people who can help protect your peace. 

What we're facing is also a nuanced conversation— as we process our own experiences, we also denounce any anti-blackness that surfaces from decades of historical wounds. We stand committed to healing together and promoting psychological safety, respect, dignity, and justice.


If you are in a place to join in the work against violence in the AAPI community, we encourage you to utilize and share the following resources:

Act Now and Report Hate Crimes


Learn and Donate

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About aKDPhi 

Founded in 1990 at Berkeley, California alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. is the largest and fastest growing internationally recognized Asian-interest sorority. alpha Kappa Delta Phi aims to promote diversity, innovation, and collaboration by empowering confident and compassionate women through sisterhood and purpose-driven leadership. To learn more, visit www.akdphi.org.

To contact alpha Kappa Delta Phi, please email pr@akdphi.org.


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